
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Health and Fitness Day!

Last week we celebrated healthy living by visiting multiple stations throughout the day.

Our day started with a class cheer...1, 2, 3...Health and Fitness!

Then we were off to the opening show.  Mark Rothstein, jump rope guru, gave a high energy, entertaining show.  We all want to be jump rope masters now!

After the show we learned about bike safety.

 We also got our bodies moving a bit with karate, yoga and sports training sessions.

We visited with firefighters and learned about some emergency equipment they use.

We also participated in a healthy eating session with homemade strawberry juice to taste and homemade roasted red pepper hummus with celery and carrots!  Yum!  The students visited a bus and were reminded of safety and emergency procedures.  Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of these sessions!

Health and Fitness Day ended in the gymnasium with the gym roping competition.  We were able to show our support for many older siblings and our 4th grade buddies who were participating.

We had a blast!

Proud as a Peacock

This little one was proud as a peacock when she was honored at our last assembly for her good character while riding the bus.  She always says hello and goodbye with a smile and consistently follows bus rules!  What a great example she is showing!

The bucket filling continues...

...with these four champions!  Thanks for showing good character in our caring school community!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Hello Again!

There's been nothing but crickets chirping around here lately.  So sorry for the lack of posts!  The end of the year tends to get quite busy.  Just a couple recent happenings...

We have another 1st artist in training...

 For the school fair, we decided to go with an Earth theme with a side of Math About Me.

Way to represent the Lorax!  

I hope you enjoyed all the festivities at the high school if you were able to make it!